With the Ghost series, Evolution has developed a new, modern series that differs from the normal models in its futuristic appearance, an E.T.U unit and new, revised internals.
The Italian company hereby clearly targets the market of customers who are looking for a reliable modern weapon with a reasonable price-performance ratio.
In addition to the improved Reinforced Version 2 gearbox with torque-UP motor, steel gears on 8mm ball bearings, and a polymer piston with full-tooth steel series with ventilated piston head, a 6.01mm precision barrel is also installed ex works. The rifles are powered by an AEG shotgun that delivers semi and fully automatic mode.
The new centerpiece is the E.T.U chip, which makes a gear jam almost impossible. It is also Li-Po and Li-Fe ready.
The flash hider and the outer barrel are made of aluminum. The handguard made of polymer composite plastic has seven KeyMod deers for attaching accessories. The overhead 254mm long rail is ideal for the use of various target devices. The outer housing and the shaft are made of reinforced polymer composite plastic. The latter sits on an aluminum shaft tube.
The shaft offers space for every common type of LiPo battery from 7.4-11.1v with a max. Length of 130mm.
All TM compact M4 / M16 can be used.
E.T.U Features:
- Active Brake
- Full Cycle Controll (like Systema PTW)
- Battery Save
- Eletromagnetic Trigger Unit
Caliber: 6mm (0.20g recommended)
Hop-up: adjustable
Energy: <0.5 joules
System: AEG with ETU
Shot mode: semi and fully automatic
Magazine: MidCap 140BB
Length: 696mm - 778mm
Housing: polymer composite plastic / aluminum / steel
Weight: 2.36 kg
BlowBack: no
Connection: Mini Tamiya (we recommend 7.4v LiPo or comparable)
Battery not included
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